About the San Diego Angel Conference (SDAC)
What is the San Diego Angel Conference (SDAC)?
The SDAC is an 8-month cycle that connects angel investors and entrepreneurs. The overarching goal is to activate new angel investors by providing a learn-by-doing environment resulting in one or more scalable startup investments.
The first four months (starting in October) are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs solidify their foundations and become more investment-worthy. This effort wraps up with the SDAC application deadline in January. Since the E-Track is free and available virtually, we invite you to join us, wherever you are in the world!
The applications become the study material for new investors. The investors evaluate and analyze the applications for the next three months (starting in January). They work together to narrow the number of contenders until they identify a winner and runners up at the finale and investors pool their funds to invest $200,000* in the winning company.
Angels used to say there are not enough good deals. Entrepreneurs used to say there aren’t enough active investors. The SDAC has eclipsed that catch-22 and now focuses on ‘getting to yes’ a mindset, a culture, and a philosophy that improves deal flow, strengthens the ecosystem, and activates more angel investment.
*Actual amount invested depends on the total dollars raised. Historically, investors have exceeded both the investment amount and number of companies funded.
“We get to YES!” and we aim to build the SoCal innovation ecosystem by activating angel investors. Seasoned and novice investors build networks and skills while evaluating deals from all industries and stages.
If you’re interested in angel investing and want to see what it takes to be an accredited investor, see the Invest page.
There are two paths for entrepreneurs. If you’re just starting out, the E-Track is a great place to be. The fall series starts in September and participants will have weekly events, access to 1:1 coaching, and opportunities to practice pitching- all at no cost! If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to join the E-Track see the Events page.
More advanced companies can pick and choose from the E-Track events or jump right to the application to compete at the SDAC. See the Apply page for more information.
I really like how SDAC made us exercise all of the muscles necessary to be successful at raising funding.
San Diego Angel Conference VI
Get your tickets early to take advantage of early bird pricing.
If you just love this stuff and want to see the cool things that are happening in the innovation ecosystem, you are welcome to join us for the finale. See the Attend page.
If you’re interested in corporate sponsorship, underwriting student tickets, or a philanthropic donation, please see the Sponsors page, fill out the donation form, or reach out to Mysty Rusk directly. We are happy to work with you to create an opportunity that works well for everyone.
If you’re a nonprofit and have a mission that serves entrepreneurs or angel investors, check out our Partner page. Partners collaborate on marketing, and receive a host of special perks.
If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, we have a lot of them. You can sign up for opportunities on the Volunteer Form, or please reach out to Stacy Pena.
With more than 35 events we are always looking for dynamic speakers and topic experts. If you’ve seen a great speaker, or have a burning topic that you really wish someone would cover let us know.
If you are a great speaker and would like to share your knowledge, please fill out our topic and speaker form.
The San Diego Angel Conference is a partnership between investors that participate in the Fund, and the USD Knaus School of Business’ Free Enterprise Institute (FEI). The FEI is the umbrella for community-facing programs like the Brink SBDC (#1 ranked Accelerator in San Diego) and the SDAC, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship programs for USD students and alumni.

San Diego Angel Conference
Bringing Entrepreneurs and Investors together right here in San Diego.
Get In Touch
M-F: 8am-5pm
University of San Diego
Knauss School of Business
5998 Alcalá Park
San Diego, CA 92110