Dates and details coming soon!
For more information, please email Mysty Rusk at or Stacy Pena at
Don't miss this opportunity to transform your business
Top 6 Finalists

Entrepreneur Track
Entrepreneurs, four months of weekly workshops on investment fundamentals, to understand, refine and practice the essentials. This series will help you become more investment worthy. The E-Track wraps up with the SDAC application deadline December 19, 2023.

Investor Track
Investors learn-by-doing during the I-Track. Working from the applications, investors work together to review, deliberate and consider companies from different industries and stages. Investors can expect to gain knowledge and skills during this process. Investors also get access to deal flow, expand and develop their network, and they will invest in at least one, and up to 6 companies.

Main Conference Event
Everyone is welcome at the finale. Join us to watch the top companies pitch in the finale. Investors will share what they learned in Due Diligence, and one company will walk away with an investment of $200,000*.
*Actual amount invested depends on the total dollars raised. Historically, investors have exceeded both the investment amount and number of companies funded.

Pricing & Registration
- Date and Time: Thursday, May 9 · 9am – 4pm PDT
- Location: University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110
- Price: $149+
9:00 AM Registration
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM The Brink Expo at SDAC
12:00 PM Welcome Remarks
12:50 PM SDAC VI Pitches & Due Diligence Reports
2:15 PM People’s Choice Voting | Expo | Investor Deliberations
3:00 PM Winner and Runners Up Announcement
4:00 PM After Party Location TBD
Become an Investor
The Fund is open! Join us. The SDAC VI fund will invest in at least one of the top 6 companies. Interested in learning more about angel investing? Get on the SDAC VI Interested Investor List to receive more information.
Become a Sponsor for SDAC VI
SDAC Sponsor Benefits: 
- Meet and interact with ~500 startups enrolled in SDAC’s various meetings and events
- Join SDAC angel investor meetings – meet and interact with ~100 accredited angel investors
- Attend exclusive events and networking opportunities
- Gain exposure to SDAC’s vast audience via emails, newsletter, social media and PR
- Membership into USD’s President’s Club
- Provide one-on-one mentoring to early-stage companies
- Gain exclusive promotional benefits and VIP status at SDAC’s pitch competition
- Support innovative ideas while helping to build community wealth and prosperity
And so much more!
Let us customize a sponsor package for you, click here or contact Stacey Pena at
Want to invest?
You can find out more about investing in the San Diego Angel Conference by going to the Invest tab.
If you are an accredited investor and want to get on the information request list, click the button below. There’s no obligation associated with the form, but it allows us to share information with you so you can make an informed decision, join us for events and receive other communication.
Be part of the group of investors that are funding innovative startups right here in San Diego.