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San Diego Angel Investors want to invest $200,000* in your company

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your business.








Apply before the deadline on December 19, 2023. Any U.S. company can apply to the San Diego Angel Conference. The application process** is straightforward and the screening and due diligence processes are designed to be transparent, efficient, and constructive for both entrepreneurs and investors.

*Actual amount invested depends on the total dollars raised. Historically, investors have exceeded both the investment amount and number of companies funded.

**Note: A 60-second video is required. Download the 60-second video explanation document to help answer your questions.

The application process is easy:

1. Submit your Application

Start the application and confirm your intent to participate in the San Diego Angel Conference by filling out the information in our Gust portal.

There is a $149 non-refundable fee.

DEADLINE: Dec 19, 2023

2. Prepare for Review

You will be able to continue adding and editing your Gust profile all the way through the finale. This allows Investors to securely review your information and allows you to communicate changes and progress throughout the selection process. 


3. Get a Coach/Mentor

If you don’t already have one, get a coach or mentor to help you prepare. Visit the Ecosystem page or use the link below to register with the Brink SBDC (it is free and confidential).

4. Participate in Selection

Investors review the applications and select deals to move forward in each round. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to provide detailed information and continue updating during the process. There are four rounds in the selection process.

5. Attend the Conference

Whether or not you advance to the finale, every applicant is encouraged to attend the SDAC to network with investors, connect with other entrepreneurs, and learn from the finalists. A ticket to the event is included in your application fee.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to have everything done before the application deadline?

No! The deadline is when you need to confirm your participation by submitting an application through Gust and pay the nonrefundable application fee. We anticipate all of our participants to continue refining their profiles until the finale. In other words, you must complete your Gust profile by the deadline and pay the application fee through Gust. You will be able to edit your application and continue refining through the end of the conference.

I received a fee waiver. How do I use it?

Please contact us at

Is it too late to apply?

The deadline to apply is January 19, 2023. In order to accommodate late arrivals and in an effort to be as inclusive as possible, a Late Bird application has historically been used for those that missed the original due date – however, that is not a given. In case of a Late Bird application, interested entrepreneurs can submit a $249 non-refundable application fee via Gust to confirm their participation in the conference. A Gust profile and payment would need to be completed prior to the extended deadline. Applications received after the deadline will not receive additional supports from the Brink. Once investors begin reviewing applications on February 7, no more applications will be accepted.

Who are ideal applicants for the conference?

The San Diego Angel Conference is seeking a diverse set of companies to be considered for funding. Applicants should fit with the following criteria:


  • Based in the US
  • Close enough to San Diego to engage with investors regularly
  • In any industry
  • At any stage
  • Seeking investment of $100k-$2M
  • Have the potential for a 10x return on investment in 5 years
    • large addressable market size
    • at least an MVP
    • a plan for the business to scale
    • a management team that can execute the plan
What happens after I apply?

The application deadline is only the start of preparing for materials for review by the angels. Following your submission, a consultant from The Brink SBDC will work directly with you to enhance your profile and application before the investors review it. The angels will then evaluate those materials starting in early January and advance applicants to the second round and beyond. You can learn more about this on the “Process” tab.

How do I make a video?

Download Instructions for 60 second video


One of the requirements for consideration in the San Diego Angel Conference is a 60-second video from the entrepreneur. The big idea is to give every entrepreneur a chance to meet every investor before the angel track begins in January. This should answer some of your questions before shooting.

Why? This is your opportunity to personally introduce yourself to the angel investors who are personally funding the winner of SDAC. The investors want to see who they are considering investing in early in the process. This is your chance to add color and breathe life into your written materials. Imagine you receive a Face Time call from an interested investor who only has a minute to get to know you before boarding a flight – this is that chance.

Who? Where? You, the entrepreneur, should be on camera, briefly explaining your vision, your business, your solution. If you have a product or service you wish to showcase visually, feel free to do so. You can shoot anywhere: corporate HQ, your office, school, lab, a trolley, or the beach, wherever you feel comfortable telling your story.

When? The registration deadline is Dec. 16, 2020 – your video should be uploaded to Gust as soon as possible.

How? A simple video shot on a smart phone will suffice. You will not be judged on production quality. That said, if you take this opportunity to create a video clip you are proud of, you can use it in future marketing and on social media.

What? Your video should be a short summary, a movie trailer, a teaser for the story.

Your video must include:
• Your name and position
• Your company name (say it multiple times)
• What your product/service does
• Why your company is an investment the angels should consider

Ideas that work:
• Powerful stat/quote/personal story to open
• Explaining company/problem/solution in a relatable way
• Sharing your progress/traction

Ideas that don’t work:
• Trying to cram your entire pitch deck in
• Complicated explanation of what you do
• Lack of emotion/energy

Why is there an application fee and what does it cover?

The application fee covers the processing cost of the application and a ticket to the final event. As part of their fee, applicants also receive personal consultation on their profile to help them prepare for the first round of review. This feedback is provided by Brink SBDC consultants. All applicants are also allowed but not required to attend the San Diego Angel Conference Entrepreneurs Track workshop series. Application fee is $149. The application fee is nonrefundable.

All applicants can expect:

  • Investors to review their application, deck, and video
  • A debrief if/when eliminated
  • 1 ticket to the final event ($250 value) on March 28, 2020 (finalists receive 2 tickets)
Is the application fee refundable?

The $149 application fee is non-refundable.

All applicants who upload their information to Gust will have their profiles shared with the angels. Investors will review applications before the first selection round. All but ~24 applicants will get cut from the selection in this first round. If you don’t make it through the first round, the $149 application fee includes a ticket to the San Diego Angel Conference finale. General admission is $250.

    Can I apply again, if I applied in previous years?

    We welcome previous applicants to apply again unless we have previously invested in your company.

      What type of investment will be made and what are the terms?

      Historically SDAC investments have been primarily convertible notes, but we are open to equity investments. The type of investment and the terms are negotiated between each of the finalists with the Fund Manager in the days before the conference. The goal is to get to a set of terms that are fair and mutually beneficial to the companies, and the investors.

      How much equity is the $200K investment for? Is it negotiable or already set?

      The terms are negotiated with the finalists in the last few weeks before the Conference. Historically about 1/2 of the deals are straight equity and about 1/2 have been convertible notes. We have every reason to expect that the terms will be fair and reasonable for both the entrepreneurs and investors.

      How could participating in an angel conference impact or influence my IP or the potential for future IP?

      It is always good to discuss these kinds of issues with appropriate legal counsel, which you should do for a more definitive answer. Generally, this question applies narrowly to companies that are basing their IP strategy on patents, and that have not filed a provision, yet.

      Disclosing a patentable idea, patent or any IP or potential IP is not a demand/requirement of any applicants participating in an angel conference or with angel investors in the early stages of an investment conversation. Startups should be somewhat cautious in what they present and we recommend you do not include anything that could be considered IP. Deeper discovery in the due diligence phase may require additional conversation about confidentiality or a non-disclosure agreement, which should be navigated using proper legal counsel or further consideration of a potential consequences. 

      Additional questions covered Q&A sessions....

      Video links to Q&A sessions:

      Q&A | Open Mic for SDAC III Applicants (12.23.2020)
      Q&A | Open Mic for SDAC III Applicants 2 (1.6.2021)


      *Amount of investment depends on the number of units sold.

      **Gust is an online platform for startups and investors. SDAC uses Gust to securely and privately collect your company information, deck, and coordinate due diligence information. Entrepreneurs must upload deck and other information into Gust.