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2020 Winner Martha Montoya featured in Forbes

Geri Stengel, a Forbes contributor, recently highlighted patterns of economic disparity that are likely to emerge as a result of the global pandemic. Beyond the well studied impacts on job loss, Stengel also explored how VC funding might be impacted. To help combat...

Martha Montoya of Agtools in Forbes

People in the U.S. are going hungry while food is rotting. The coronavirus has upended the U.S. food supply chain, making this a good time for companies like Agtools. “We are starting to receive more inquiries,” said Martha Montoya, CEO of Agtools. It is a...

Amy Duncan Named Fund Manager For SDAC III

SAN DIEGO, May 11, 2020 – Just months after the San Diego Angel Conference main event, organizers have already started planning for the 2021 conference by naming Amy Duncan as Fund Manager. The Fund Manager of the San Diego Angel Conference is responsible for...